The central purpose of the Solomon Lefschetz International Research Laboratory is to encourage, promote and support joint research and the training of high-level human resources between Mexico and France, giving priority to young researchers, doctoral students and research visits . Mexican doctoral students should also apply for the additional CoNaCyT funding if doing a long term sojourn in France. UNAM doctoral students should additionally explore the Convocatoria para realizar actividades académicas internacionales de larga duración.
Please contact us at if you have questions before you fill in the application form at:
Solicitud para becas de movilidad de larga duración (UNAM, de 6 meses a 1 año)
Para movilidad de México a Francia (mínimo 3 meses), el llamado se hace en el verano para estancias al año calendario siguiente.
Ejemplo de la convocatoria del 2023 (llamada Postes Rouges)